Traditional Biomagnetic Therapy, also known as Biomagnetic Pair Therapy, is a highly effective, scientific and holistic approach to wellness. It involves precise placement (North/South polarity) of medium intensity magnetic pairs on the body. Magnetism acts on the electromagnetic body (also known as the energy body); so, it influences the energy in the same way as it does with Acupuncture, LEDs, Laser, RIFE, etc. As a consequence of the therapy, proper pH is restored to the area and optimal function of the organ systems can return. As the therapy works to stimulate normal immune system function, increased circulation and oxygenation occur, energy is restored, the body's response to inflammation normalizes, and many more positive effects begin in our bodies.
The Food and Drug Administration classifies magnets as a Class I medical device because “reasonable assurance of safety and effectiveness can be obtained” without applying special controls.
Emotion Protocol draws on the science of Biomagnetic Pair Therapy, the "wisdom" of Ayurveda and Vedic psychology, the ethos of traditional medicine, and the vibration of emotion. When we tap onto the subconscious mind to unravel the "buried" emotion and trauma, the immune system can reset, and the body can release both the emotions and the infections that have been weighing it down. Emotion Protocol can be used as a stand-alone treatment or as a supportive therapy to get to the root of the illness and chronic conditions, which we believe are often rooted in trauma and unaddressed emotional experiences. Emotion Protocol takes Biomagnetism to the next level by addressing the complex nervous system, hormones as well as emotional blocks that are so often stored subconsciously in our physical and energetic bodies. Emotion Protocol teaches that there is no manifestation of disease without an emotional root.
It is believed that the accumulation of pH imbalances in the body is the beginning of the development of illness, symptoms, pain, and other health conditions. By reestablishing proper pH, the body can achieve homeostasis (a state of balance among all the body systems needed for the body to survive and function correctly) and begin to heal itself. Biomagnetic Therapy is an internationally practiced health approach that is perfectly compatible with any other traditional or alternative modalities.
You should see a medical doctor if you are in need of medical care, and you should view Biomagnetic Therapy care as separate from any therapy provided by a medical doctor. Biomagnetic Therapy is not to be considered a substitute for a consultation with a physician, a medical assessment, or medical treatment. You should avoid Biomagnetic Therapy if you have a pacemaker, electrical implant, or if you are pregnant.
In the 70’s and 80’s, Dr. Richard Broeringmeyer studied the effects of the lack of gravity and magnetism on NASA astronauts. He was responsible for deciding which astronauts could fly into space and examining the physiological constants and physical condition of the astronauts before and after their flight. It was observed that after astronauts returned from space, one of their legs would measure longer than the other due to having been exposed to a change in magnetic field. Later it was proven that once astronauts left the earth’s magnetic field, they suffered from so-called “space disease” which was characterized by the development of osteoporosis and deficiencies in the immune system.
On October 10, 1988, the first Biomagnetic Pair was discovered by medical doctor Isaac Goiz Duran (Dr. Goiz) in Mexico City. His revolutionary discovery was inspired after attending a course on bioenergy taught by Dr. Richard Broeingmeyer. He defined the Biomagnetic Pair as the set of two principal charges of opposite polarity that identify a pathology. These charges that are in vibrational and energetic resonance, manifest due to the alteration of the pH of the organs. Dr. Goiz and his associates researched and uncovered hundreds of Biomagnetic pairs. These pairs have been documented and tested in healthcare facilities all over the world.
In 2009, Salvador Gutierrez Rodriguez de Mondelo, MD learned Medical Biomagnetism. In 2010, he met Dr. Goiz. He continued to expand his studies of Biomagnetism and reunited with Dr. Goiz in Spain in 2012.
Dr. Gutierrez Rodriquez continued to develop Biomagnetic Pair Therapy (Biomagnetism) and began to train many others including Dr. Luis Fernando Garcia, with whom Michele Steele Costa received her initial training. Dr. Garcia also trained under Dr. Goiz throughout his Biomanetism education.
The body is a brilliantly constructed machine with inherent wisdom. In order for it to function optimally, it must maintain a slightly alkaline pH of 7.35-7.45. The body constantly adjusts and balances itself to stay in this range, however, sometimes the body is unable to maintain the proper balance due to the presence of pathogens. Our bodies are made up of approximately 10% hydrogen. Magnetic fields influence the hydrogen ion molecule inside the body. Hydrogen plays a large role in the removal of toxins and waste, joint lubrication, blood pH regulation, cell hydration and other functions. When the system goes outside a pH of 7.35-7.45, illness occurs.
Biomagnetic therapy works through depolarization to neutralize the pH and reestablish proper balance. This creates a hostile environment for the pathogens (a virus, bacteria, fungus or parasite) in which they cannot survive or are no longer recognized as a problem, and homeostasis can be restored.
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