My career began as a Human Resources Manager and Accountant for a large computer company. After 10 years in those positions, I purchased and ran various service businesses including a fitness club. It was at the fitness club that I was introduced to several CAM (Complementary and Alternative Medicine) techniques which I personally began receiving. After seeing their benefits, I began to study many CAM modalities, power of the mind, and energetic principles to enrich my family’s and my own health and well-being.
In 2017, I became ill. I had no energy, achy joints, and horrible breakouts all over my body which later I found out to be Lyme Disease and other co-infections. After seeing 7 specialists within a 2-year period, I was lucky to have been introduced to Biomagnetic Therapy. This therapy relieved all of my symptoms and gave me back my life. I began training in Biomagnetic Therapy; and after I received my certifications in traditional Biomagnetic Therapy, Emotional Protocol, and advanced hands-on training, I began helping others with great success.
I started treating animals with Biomagnetic Therapy as a result of wanting to help my own Dog, Bessie. who was diagnosed with degenerative myelopathy and had begun to lose function of her back legs. This prompted me to investigate if Biomagnetic Therapy would help animals in the same way. I was told she would not live past 6 months as the condition would worsen and her quality of life would diminish. I was devastated by the news but hopeful that Biomagnetic Therapy could also help her; so, I applied to Bessie the same training that I had learned for people. After just one therapy session, she was walking and standing without collapsing. I followed up with other sessions, and she lived for 2 additional happy and healthy years with the full use of her legs until age and arthritis slowed her down. I continued to give her treatments for other issues like skin allergies and chronic ear infections, and all of the conditions were eliminated during that 2-year period. I was so grateful and excited; so, I started to share my news with others. This news spread, and I quickly gained an animal clientele. Using Biomagnetic Therapy including Emotion Protocol, I have been able to help each animal eliminate or greatly improve their symptoms and heal their unbalanced emotions.
Biomagnetic Therapy has been a gift to me, and it is now my desire to use it to help others.
2024- Advanced Indra Biomagnetism
(Janelle Elyse OT/L, BMPP, LMP, CAP, RM)
2024 - Animal Communication (Debbie McGillivray)
2023 - Reiki 1 & 2 (Centre of Excellence)
2022 - Emotion Protocol
(Janelle Elyse OT/L, BMPP, LMP, CAP, RM)
2021 - Biomagnetism Advanced Training
(Dr. Luis Garcia, BMPP)
2021 - Biomagnetism and Beyond Level I & II
(Dr. Luis Garcia, BMPP)
2021 - Pendulum Basics I
(Janelle Elyse OT/L, BMPP, LMP, CAP, RM)
2014 - Akashic Records Pathway Prayer Process I & II
(Joan Gouveia ARP, RM, CAP)
Energy Psychology and EFT (Gary Craig CAP)
Evolve Your Brain Program (Joe Dispenza MD)
Epigenetics (Bruce Lipton PhD)
Body Electric Summit 2.0 Energy Frequency and Vibrational Healing (various presenters)
Change your Mind in 21 Days (Babaji Satyanarayana Dasa, PhD and Jessica Richmond, PhD)
I am humbled by the power and effectiveness of Biomagnetism. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Dr. Luis Garcia and Janelle Salzman who have educated, trained and mentored me and who have so generously shared this therapy with others.
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